Xi Admission 2024: xiclassadmission gov bd

The 2024-2025 XI Admission System is crucial for Bangladeshi students seeking HSC admission. The Ministry of Education in Bangladesh manages and centralizes the entire process through the official website, http://xiclassadmission.gov.bd. While applying for HSC Admission 2024 might seem daunting initially, proper guidance and instructions can make it a smooth experience.

In recent years, the HSC Admission system has shifted to an online platform. SSC Passed students interested to study Higher Secondary Certificate must apply for Xi Class Admission. The application deadline for the academic session 2024-25 falls between May 20 and May 30, 2024. During this period, students can choose up to 10 colleges while paying a Tk 150 application fee for each.

XI Class Admission System

The XIClassAdmission.gov.bd is a centralized online platform managed by the Ministry of Education in Bangladesh. This Official Website allows students who have passed their SSC or Dakhil examinations to apply for Higher Secondary (HSC) colleges. Students can apply HSC Admission and can make a preferred choice list. The Ministry of Education publishes the XI Class Admission Circular immediately following the release of SSC Result. To qualify for the XI Class Admission, students must pass the recent year’s SSC or Dakhil examination. By following the Xiclass Admission Gov bd website, you can get all the information regarding HSC admission 2024.

The admission process is divided into three phases, providing you with multiple opportunities to secure your place in the desired college or Madrasa educational institution. After the application of the first phase, your Merit result will be published. After that 2nd and 3rd application will accepted depending on seat availability and meeting the required criteria.

Xi Admission 2024

The Xi Class Admission 2024 is an important process for students who want to get admission in higher secondary education in Bangladesh. The Ministry of Education has officially announced and published the details regarding HSC college admission 2024.

The application process for Xi Class Admission 2024 is simple and user-friendly. You can easily apply online through the XIClassAdmission gov bd website. This website provide the details admission process, Circular, application form fill up instruction and merit result. The application will begins on May 20, 2024 and closes on May 30, 2024

The Xi Class Admission Instructions and Guidelines will provided by the Ministry. This information is important for adhering to the application process and ensuring your application is submitted.

By carefully following the steps and the guidelines, you can submit application form and get a chance to make the merit list for your preferred colleges.

XI Class Admission System 2024-2025

The Ministry of Education in Bangladesh officially announces the HSC Admission Circular 2024-2025. The HSC College Admission notice provide a details information as the required details and instructions for the admission form. You can find the circular, which is provided as a PDF or image file, on the official XI Class Admission website.

To apply for the XI Class Admission, you will have to submit an online application form. The application submission period for the first phase begins on May 20, 2024 and ends on May 30, 2024. If you miss the first phase, there will be opportunities to apply in the second and third phases as well.

The admission process applies to all the education boards in Bangladesh, including Dhaka, Rajshahi, Comilla, Jessore, Chittagong, Barisal, Sylhet, Dinajpur, Mymensingh, and Madrasa.

Do not forget to pay the application fee after submitting the online form. Details regarding the fee payment procedure are available, so make sure you pay after submitting your application. Additionally, the colleges list and admission policies can be found alongside the circular.

Key Dates and Deadlines

When planning your Xi Class Admission, it’s important to be aware of the key dates and deadlines that will impact your application process. Staying organized and on top of these milestones will help ensure your application’s success and reduce stress.

PhaseApplication DateResult
1st PhaseMay 20 to May 30, 2024June 8, 2024
2nd phase
3rd Phase
Class start
Official Websitexiclassadmission.gov.bd

The HSC admission process in Bangladesh designed to hassle free Authority allocate seat to students based on their SSC exam performance. The Xi Class Admission typically starts immediately following the release of SSC results. The process is managed centrally by the Ministry of Education, Bangladesh.